It’s Time to Hit the Books: Tips and Must-Reads for REALTORS®


As a new school year unfolds and students have returned to classrooms nationwide, Continental Title Company joins you in embracing a spirit of learning and growth. While we won’t give you a lesson on real estate – because, let’s face it, you’re already masters of your craft – we’ve stumbled upon something truly special to share in keeping with the back-to-school spirit. has curated an exceptional book list tailored to kindle your passion for continuous learning and professional development. Whether you’re just starting out or seeking to refine your marketing and sales skills, this treasure trove of knowledge has something for every REALTOR®.

To make the most of your reading journey, consider some of our favorite tips:

Set Focus Time: Carve out manageable chunks of reading time during your day. Set a timer for just 30 minutes, making the most of lunch breaks or brief gaps between meetings to dive into your chosen book. 

Highlight Insights: Keep a handy highlighter nearby to mark those golden nuggets of wisdom that resonate with you. These highlighted sections will become quick reference points for future use. 

Jot Down Thoughts: Engage with the text by jotting down your thoughts, real-life connections or questions as you read. This practice helps reinforce your understanding and makes the content more relatable, whether you prefer a digital or physical approach.

Listen to Audiobooks: Are you constantly on the move with little time to sit and read a physical book? Audiobooks can be a game changer. Many public libraries offer apps for downloading audiobooks, providing an ideal opportunity to enrich your knowledge during commutes, between client meetings or whenever you have a spare moment. 

With students back in school and a renewed focus on growth and development, we encourage you to explore the book list and incorporate some of these reading tips into your routine. After all, learning is a lifelong journey, and your commitment to continuous improvement is one attribute that sets you apart in the real estate world.

We’re eager to hear about your reading adventures! Share your insights and discoveries with us on our Facebook page. While you’re there, don’t forget to like and follow us to stay updated on valuable resources and information from Continental Title Company. Happy reading, and here’s to a successful journey filled with growth and new horizons!