KC June Roundtable Event-“Appraisals: The Dirty Little Word in Real Estate”

We are STILL celebrating our 10 Year Anniversary with great monthly events! With our dedication to educating our partners we are excited to announce June’s Roundtable Discussion. “Appraisals: The Dirty Little Word in Real Estate!” RSVP today to get answers to those pesky questions like:

  • What are the differences between FHA and conventional appraisals?
  • What does an agent need to look for when deciding if a home will be approved for an FHA loan?
  • How can a Realtor help the appraisal process in a positive manner?
  • What can a homeowner do to help during the appraisal process?
  • What items do you most commonly see that you have to note on appraisals as a hazard?
  • Explain how you determine whether or not a room is considered a bedroom.
  • What are some new and upcoming regulations that appraisers have to follow?
  • How do you choose comps if there are several foreclosures in the neighborhood and the subject property is not a foreclosure?