Tips for Moving During the Holidays

Tips for Moving During the Holidays

As if the holidays weren’t stressful enough you and your family are moving into a new home! It’s an exciting and festive time but moving along with the demands of the holidays can be more than enough to dampen your holiday spirit. It’s important to do little things to stay grounded, boost your mood and make the transition a little less stressful. Here’s a few tips.

Go easy on yourself. If the typical holiday traditions are stressing you out –  give yourself a break. You can make the choice to opt out of the activities that are taking away from your holiday season. This season might be a little abnormal, take the opportunity to create new traditions that fit into your current life. Dine out on Christmas Eve at a new local spot, check out a holiday event in your area, bake pre-made holiday cookies or it can even be as simple as watching your favorite holiday movies. Just a little effort can make things seem special and keep you grounded even when life seems chaotic.

Pack a few things separate for the Holidays. Keep a box or two with a few things for the holidays! A few simple decorations; stockings, candles, and a few of your favorite decorations will stretch the holiday cheer. Remember a little bit can go a long way. Don’t feel as if you need all the decorations to make this holiday special.  Also keep in mind, gift wrapping essentials. Pack gift wrap, tape, bags and scissors for a quick to-go when time is tight.

Moving with children this holiday? Keep a few toys, holiday coloring books, books or movies packed within easy reach. Moving can create lots of down time within your normal things around the house. Keep the kiddos entertained and ease their transition into a new place as well, while you unpack and organize at your pace.

Play festive music. Sounds simple but boosts spirit quicker than anyway we know. The moving process can be stressful and tiresome, playing a few of your favorites holiday tracks will create a festive atmosphere even while you’re moving.

Wishing you a safe and happy move into your new home throughout the holidays – from Continental Title Company.